Race Riots

Posted on February 26th, 2014 in Final Project by kdingle  Tagged ,

I have chosen to take a more in depth look into race riots in D.C, which essentially will mean this will be my topic for the project. I would really like to use the library of congress for most of my primary sources. It is a great source for pictures of the  riots and i […]

Topics for Research

Posted on February 19th, 2014 in Final Project by kdingle  Tagged , ,

Housing in D.C for African Americans Slavery was first abolished in D.C, where as the rest of the slaves were not emancipated for months later. Not only is this a very interesting idea in itself, but also what it led to. Because slaves were free here first, it became a congregating place for African Americans […]

Primary Sources

Posted on February 3rd, 2014 in Theory and Practice by kdingle  Tagged

A map of the Capital Building and it’s surrounding area.  http://www.loc.gov/item/75693174/ I chose to look at a picture of the Capital Building taken by George A. Morrison. The map is dated as being made in 1872 and officially being added to the Library of Congress June 24th, 1931. The source is the official website for […]