Cyber Security

Posted on April 28th, 2014 in Uncategorized by kdingle

i think my online activities are pretty safe, because I more or less only use sites that have been verified by a third party. On Firefox there is a little lock that shows when a website is secure or not. When using sites that are not secure I avoid using any informational that could be […]

In class assignment April 14th, 2014

Posted on April 14th, 2014 in Uncategorized by kdingle

 I ended up not using any of the sites from today’s lesson because I couldn’t find anything relevant to my topic. I did find that social radar was incredibly useful as it was able to show the change in white and black population over time in DC. My paper and blog are about how the […]

Final Project Topic

Posted on April 6th, 2014 in Final Project by kdingle  Tagged ,

I just wanted to make a post because I don’t think I ever said specifically what it is I will be doing my final project on. I want to look at how the 1968 riots led to a large percentage of whites and better off blacks leaving the city following the riots. Some 30 years […]