Cyber Security
i think my online activities are pretty safe, because I more or less only use sites that have been verified by a third party. On Firefox there is a little lock that shows when a website is secure or not. When using sites that are not secure I avoid using any informational that could be used to hurt me, such as credit card information. Most of the data I generate online is just my search history, which then the ads I see are targeted towards that. At the same time though, I use ad block so I don’t see any of those on Youtube, Facebook, and various other sites.
I haven’t had much of a problem finding writings and research on gentrification, especially from current writings, but I am having a little bit harder of a time finding primary research on it that I can relate from the riots. I guess what I am doing is more or less just getting pictures from the riots and using maps of populations before and after to show how whites left, and now they are coming back. I found social explorer to be incredibly helpful.