Final Project Topic

Posted on April 6th, 2014 in Final Project by kdingle  Tagged ,

I just wanted to make a post because I don’t think I ever said specifically what it is I will be doing my final project on. I want to look at how the 1968 riots led to a large percentage of whites and better off blacks leaving the city following the riots. Some 30 years […]

Race Riots

Posted on February 26th, 2014 in Final Project by kdingle  Tagged ,

I have chosen to take a more in depth look into race riots in D.C, which essentially will mean this will be my topic for the project. I would really like to use the library of congress for most of my primary sources. It is a great source for pictures of the  riots and i […]

Topics for Research

Posted on February 19th, 2014 in Final Project by kdingle  Tagged , ,

Housing in D.C for African Americans Slavery was first abolished in D.C, where as the rest of the slaves were not emancipated for months later. Not only is this a very interesting idea in itself, but also what it led to. Because slaves were free here first, it became a congregating place for African Americans […]